Why Are They Not Coming Back is the Wrong Question

Have you ever asked why aren't people coming back to your church? I know this seems a little opposite of how we typically view church; come here, and we’ll fill you up for the week. But, I would say we have an opportunity here to reframe what church looks like in this season and meet people where they’re at. The gospel never changes, but our methods can change constantly.

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5 Characteristics of a Vitalized Church

What does a vitalized church in Canada actually look like? The reality is every church is on a trajectory and we can’t look at an individual month or year, but we need to look at the overall trends and characteristics of a church that is vitalized. Let’s look at 5 characteristics of a vitalized church.

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12 Ways To Be A Welcoming Church

Our Canadian churches have the greatest opportunity to reverse the trend of decreasing Christian influence in Canada. It works when we obey Christ and shed off everything else. We invite you to join us at the Church Vitalization Summit on August 29 and 30 for two 90-minute virtual sessions on reversing the trend in Canada.

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Reversing the Trend

Our Canadian churches have the greatest opportunity to reverse the trend of decreasing Christian influence in Canada. It works when we obey Christ and shed off everything else. We invite you to join us at the Church Vitalization Summit on August 29 and 30 for two 90-minute virtual sessions on reversing the trend in Canada.

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Leadership, Creative, Evangelism, Outreach, Assimilation Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Creative, Evangelism, Outreach, Assimilation Jeremiah Raible

4 Fantastic Outreaches To Do In the Spring

Ready to think about spring outreaches? Here are four fantastic outreaches you can do this spring. The sky is brightening. The air is warming. The snow is melting – well, not quite yet. But spring is coming, and this is a great opportunity to reach your community in the coming months. Your church can make a difference in your community by meeting the needs of your community. Building bridges of relationship and connection to the people who are not yet a part of your church but will be one day.

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7 Things Every Organization Must Have

Is your church stuck? Do you find yourself in the tension of organizational structure and relational equity? Once you decide to focus on these seven things, you can begin to work and develop them as you go forward. The blend of organization and organism embedded in each of these areas will keep you growing in numbers while also growing in depth of relationship and commitment to Christ.

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Turn Around Churches In Canada

I hope to see a movement of churches in Canada across denominations go from plateaued and declining to thriving by reaching lost people in their locale. I pray for an enormous increase in Salvations across Canada with reports of life transformation by the Gospel. I long for churches that make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

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Maturity Equals Reproduction - Discipleship Pathway Part 6

We are called to spiritual maturity (Hebrews 5:14, Hebrews 6:1-2). There is an expectation that Christ-followers will start out as spiritual infants and mature over time. But a key element of maturity is not our age. There are many believers who are older in years but act very spiritually immaturely. This is because we have erroneously defined maturity as “tenure”. When really, spiritual maturity is about reproduction.

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Leadership, Assimilation, Coaching, Theology Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Assimilation, Coaching, Theology Jeremiah Raible

First John Two Discipleship - Discipleship Pathway Part 5

We look at the pattern we see in 1 John chapter 2. As you read through this chapter, you’ll begin to see a pattern that John is developing – “little children” (v12), “young men” (v14), “fathers” (v15). The terms John is using is referring to spiritual development and not actual age.

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Leadership, Assimilation, Caring For Your Church Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Assimilation, Caring For Your Church Jeremiah Raible

Begin with the End in Mind - Discipleship Pathway Part 4

We all get the job description for Christians – “Go and Make Disciples” (Matthew 28:19). But the question I often get asked is, “How do you make disciples?” This is a great question and one that the church in North America hasn’t answered very well. We’ve made attenders and singers and listeners, but I wonder about our ability to make disciples.

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Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones Assimilation, Small Groups Bob Jones

The Secret of Medium-Sized Communities

Medium-Sized Communities (MSC) are where you belong before you believe. They are safe step before a person chooses to become a part of a small group. MSCs are an environment where the unengaged get engaged in biblical community, the lost come to know Jesus, leaders are developed, lives are restored, care and prayer happens both in and outside of the groups, and both introverts and extroverts find community. It’s the “one anothers” being lived out.

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