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4 Things Recommended for Young Leaders
How can I thrive through the winter - not just survive? I love a good recommendation. I would much rather hear an endorsement from someone I trust than someone on the internet. Here are four things that I recommend to you - four things that might change your life.
To Sleep – Perchance to Dream
Why do I need to have consistently regulated sleep for my long-term health? Our frenzied lifestyles push us to run on sugar, caffeine and hi-octane stress during the day. Lack of sleep devastates our overall well-being and health.
Mental Health Challenges: God’s Power Made Perfect In Our Weakness
Ignoring physical health symptoms causes them to get worse. I’ve learned to see them as dashboard warning signs, like the check engine light on my car, anxiety symptoms can actually be helpful. Guest author Joel Pulako gives insights and steps to addressing mental health challenges.
Ramping Up – Resting Up
How do we find rest in the rat race? Unless we deliberately balance this heightened activity with consistent rest, we can easily over-extend and be left in a deficit position emotionally.
Honour Your Pastor by Contributing to their Whole Health
October has traditionally been designated as Pastors' Appreciation Month. Appreciation and honour of pastors is not limited to one month, but October is a time to make space for thanking those who lead and shepherd congregations.
Accountability in Leadership is Not an Option
Why should I be concerned about personal accountability? The imperative of accountability in leadership.
Those Who Raise Us Up
Is there a place I can find trustworthy support for the call of God in my life? We increase the opportunity for success by surrounding ourselves with those who raise us up.
5 Holiday Reads This Summer
Ah, summertime. Time to shake off winter’s effects, wind down, find a comfortable spot, relax, and read or listen. Five books that are worth your holiday time this summer. What books do you recommend that I will enjoy this summer?
And then There was Summer
How can I make the best use of the short summer months? Here are a few 'time and experience' tested tips from Papa Al to help you capitalize on this glorious season.
Only The Lonely
How can I overcome my loneliness? Loneliness is a non-ending pandemic. Leaders are not immune.
7 Things Every Organization Must Have
Is your church stuck? Do you find yourself in the tension of organizational structure and relational equity? Once you decide to focus on these seven things, you can begin to work and develop them as you go forward. The blend of organization and organism embedded in each of these areas will keep you growing in numbers while also growing in depth of relationship and commitment to Christ.
How To Manage Your Time
Do you manage your time well? Time management is a key component in effective leadership for pastors. Unfortunately, this is an area that many pastors struggle with. The nature of ministry is relational and entrepreneurial; these are often tensions that pull at one another. Is it possible to get things done and develop relationships with people? Here’s a look at how you can excel in managing your time.
Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions
Why are resolutions so easy to idealize and so hard to materialize? Al Downey encourages us with a pattern for a successful life.
Christmas Blues - Give Yourself a Break!
What can I do when I feel depressed during the Christmas Season when I know I should be upbeat? Al Downey, our Pastoral Care Coordinator, shares some causes and cures for depression at Christmas.
Pitfalls, Problems, and Partners
What support is offered for pastors in the ABNWT? Outbound leadership is hard work and done best together with similarly impassioned and equipped practitioners. Leaders will benefit from a cohort of hill climbers to help them face pitfalls and problems.
How's Your "ELPO?"
Fifty-three times in the New Testament, the Greek word 'Elpo' or one of its derivatives is used, which translates as 'Hope.' What is our Hope based on? Here are five thoughts, an octane boost to your spiritual fuel to help you spread 'Elpo.'
Spurred On In Ministry
What do ABNWT cohorts offer me? Our passion in the ABNWT is to develop a legion of leaders whose sole focus is to obey the Great Commission, lead prevailing, relentlessly outbound ministries, and raise up the next generation of adaptive leaders. Being in a cohort is an opportunity for leaders to skill up and receive support and coaching on some of the biggest internal and external challenges.
Prevailing With A Little Help From My Friends
What are cohorts, and is there a cohort in the ABNWT for me? Leaders want their ministry to prevail but are challenged to sustain progress against resistance. Here’s where the cohort model comes in: you aren’t alone. You’ll face these challenges with support, resources, encouragement, and peer coaching.