Whenever you see a losing record, it's easy to get discouraged. Recently, the Edmonton Oilers were booted out of the 2023 Stanley Cup playoffs after showing so much promise in the regular season and into the first round. It was disappointing, but many went back to the reality that they hadn't made it to the finals since 2006.

When I look at the trends of Christianity in Canada, it plays out a lot like the hockey team mentioned above. It starts strong and then slowly declines over decades. Sure, there may be some bright spots here and there, but overall, the trend of decreasing Christian influence in Canada is undoubtedly downward.

And then, there's us – ministers called by God in this particular moment. It makes me wonder, could we be a part of reversing the trend? Not by chance. But by design.

It starts in the mind. Many Canadian Christians have a losing mindset when it comes to Christianity. They've forgotten that we "overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony" (Revelation 12:11). The church in Canada must see itself as victorious. If you see yourself as a winner, you do things that winners do. You operate from an abundance mindset and believe with all your heart that you will see the 'victory.' This is where crazy faith and risk-taking decisions can be made.

The mission is crystal clear. Make disciples who make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). Not, hold services. Not, preach and sing songs. Not, have potlucks or pot blessings. Not, hold prayer meetings. Not, build buildings. Not, run programs. Make disciples. Invite people to follow Jesus and teach them to obey everything He has commanded. Churches are becoming laser-focused on this mission, and, in turn, people are becoming disciples who make disciples. Salvations and baptisms increase when churches make the mission of Jesus their only mission.

Relentlessly outbound. There is a lot of stuff we do in the church that is "for us." We hold services, we have small groups, we have committees, we run programs, we have prayer chains – and most of this activity is by and for the people already part of the church. However, no amount of activity is going to draw most Canadians into the church. The church must reach beyond the walls of its building and engage the community by meeting needs, being accessible to anyone from any background and creating environments where non-believers can find themselves. Nobody cares what you know until they know how much you care. Every church in Canada can increase the quality of life in their neighbourhood just by thinking of others more than themselves.

It is getting younger as the nation gets younger. The largest population group in Canada is millennials (approximately ages 25-35) with young kids. And yet, most Canadian churches are older in their general demographic. This tells me we miss a great opportunity to reach kids and families. This isn't a gentle suggestion; this is a four-alarm fire for churches to get into gear and focus on young families with kids. Choose topics and ministries that are relevant to parents of young kids. Make your children's ministry so exciting that the kids go to school and brag about it to their friends.

Our Canadian churches have the greatest opportunity to reverse the trend of decreasing Christian influence in Canada. It works when we obey Christ and shed off everything else.

We invite you to join us at the Church Vitalization Summit on August 29 and 30 for two 2-hour virtual sessions on how to reverse the trend in Canada.


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


And then There was Summer


The 100 Opportunity