My First 90 Days in Canada

“We discovered in the past 90 days that it requires a lot of administration to settle in a new country and new community. Getting a SIN number, getting a driver’s licence, our children into the new school to mention just a few. We went out fishing, planned a hunt, and moved into our first rental house, all in 90 days.”
Jacques Lombard and his family's account of coming from South Africa to Peace River, Alberta.

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Resources for Small Churches and Their Pastors

We know how difficult it can be to stay encouraged and find affordable resources when you are a small church. At the same time, we believe that small churches are essential to the mission God has for his Church in our local communities and around the world! We have listed and linked some resources that we have found useful, and we hope you will benefit from them too!

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Coaching, Leadership, Soul Care Bob Jones Coaching, Leadership, Soul Care Bob Jones

Cohorts In The ABNWT

What’s your best shot at staying passionate about God’s call on your life? How can you sustain energy to fulfill God’s purposes for you and your congregation? How about a life-giving relationship with a cohort of leaders, who are in step or one step ahead of you? Our aim in the ABNWT is to develop a legion of leaders whose sole focus is to obey the Great Commission, lead prevailing, relentlessly, outbound churches, and raise up the next generation of adaptive pastors.

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Leadership, Outreach Bob Jones Leadership, Outreach Bob Jones

Vision Cast Like a Church Planter

In the life cycle of a church, vision ignites everything. Church planters have a passion for reaching people far from God in their communities, towns and cities. Cast vision for souls now. Start before you’re completely ready. Communicate urgency to energize, deputize and mobilize your established congregation to fulfill that vision. Casting vision will net you support and momentum.

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Leadership ABNWT Leadership ABNWT

Think Like A Church Planter

One of the lesser-known phrases that I’ve heard in the past year is that coming out of the pandemic, “all church leaders will need to think like church planters”. But what does that mean? What makes “thinking like a church planter” beneficial to leading into the future? Instead, let me suggest what “Thinking Like a Planter” might look like.

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5 Effective Mentoring Behaviours

Young ministry leaders are aching for mentorship but statistics continue to show that they’re not finding it. The reasons are complex. Older leaders haven’t been mentored themselves or had bad mentoring relationships. They’re busy and need to give their time to others. They may feel that getting this close to an employee is risky. They don’t want to make themselves vulnerable. Possibly, established leaders don’t see the benefits of making this kind of investment, but they need to.

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Evangelism, Leadership, Outreach Jeremiah Raible Evangelism, Leadership, Outreach Jeremiah Raible

Reopening vs. Relaunching

As we look to the fall and the potential of limited restrictions, churches are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This will be different than the reopening that we’ve been accustomed to. This will be, in essence, a fresh start; something from which to build upon. It’s for this reason that church leaders are looking at relaunching this fall.

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