Prevailing With A Little Help From My Friends

Cohorts are not a new idea, but they were new to the ABNWT in September 2020. What started with a handful of online groups and a couple of dozen leaders grew to over 225 leaders and 12 types of cohorts by the Fall of 2022. And there is ample room for more growth.

Leaders want their ministry to prevail but are challenged to sustain progress against resistance. Here's where the cohort model comes in: you aren't on your own; you'll face these challenges with support, resources, encouragement, and peer coaching.

Over two years of operation, Cohorts created a lift for participants, a safe space, a sense of belonging, relational equity, and peer support.

Providing Support

Some of the most important parts of ministry are also the hardest to do in isolation. Cohorts provide life-giving interaction with peers who are in step or are one step ahead of you.

Merril Radford (Lead Pastor – Freedom Centre Church – Edmonton)

In the autumn of 2020, I joined a cohort of pastors in the ABNWT District of the PAOC led by a coach with many years of experience. Of course, this opportunity came to me at a challenging time for many pastors—in the middle of a pandemic.

Every pastor I knew, including my cohort, struggled to find a way forward. While church attendees might think pastors had less to do during the restrictions, workloads increased as we continually needed to pivot. I had to make decisions on effectively using my time, and my cohort became a priority. We were engaging with materials critical to adapting as leaders and advancing our churches (e.g., Canoeing the Mountains by Tod Bolsinger).

My cohort was instrumental in personal and professional revival and church revitalization. It also became a forum for sharing the trials and triumphs of new ideas we were trying. One-on-one time with the coach also helped to drill down on issues that were personal or specific to my local context. While I may still struggle with feelings of incompetence, I am constantly encouraged by the tenacity I have seen in other pastors and by the realization that we are all wrestling with how to minister effectively in this new world. While I agonize to see the church grow and overcome barriers to growth, I have a coach that helps me celebrate the successes and find my focus for the next win.

There is no silver bullet but being part of a cohort remains a key to co-labouring with Christ as He constructs His church through courageous colleagues.

Mark McMillan (Lead Pastor, Cold Lake Community Church)

Being part of a District cohort has greatly encouraged and supported me over the past two years. It has also provided practical resources to help me lead with greater confidence during these challenging times.

Judy Marchuk (Lead Pastor, Wainwright Pentecostal Church)

I have never felt as connected, understood, and appreciated as I have with my cohorts. I have learned a great deal, and personal coaching has been quite valuable and challenging!

Duane Grant (Lead Pastor, Bethel Family Worship, St Paul)

The value of the cohort for me was to be in relationships with other pastors. Always great conversation and feedback.

Joachim Chisanga (Lead Pastor, Claresholm Pentecostal Assembly)

For the first time in the history of my two decades of Pastoral Ministry, I'm not struggling with the feeling of being alone, which is common to those in ministry. Thanks to the ABNWT District Discovery Cohort, of which I have been a part for the past two years.

Coming from a different culture and now a Pastor in Canada, I joined the cohort with the hope of establishing a connection with people in my District and my line of work, to learn from their experiences and glean wisdom and answers to matters of common interest. I needed a place where I'd be free to express myself without treading carefully for fear of being misread, misinterpreted, and judged.

The Discovery cohort has been a place for all this and much more. The connection I have established with the coach and cohort members has created a feeling of connectedness and a great sense of belonging. This is a platform where we don't just talk about ministry but about the person in ministry with an emphasis on self-care.

Among the highlights was when I shared a ministry challenge I was experiencing. One of the cohort members took it upon themselves to provide a practical solution together with the members of his leadership. I was relieved and was able to focus as I was no longer carrying the burden alone.

With the coach's weekly calls, I now have an opportunity to tap into the wisdom of those who have walked the walk and are endowed with Pastoral wisdom and experience. I feel more empowered and confident to navigate Pastoral leadership without going through the cycle of endless pressure due to not knowing what to do. We have also shared and exchanged ideas about how to reach our communities.

With Pastoral Ministry becoming more and more challenging in these unprecedented times, the cohort has truly been a source of strength, motivation, and encouragement.

There is a cohort for you. Find a listing of all cohorts here on the ABNWT Resource Centre website.


Join an existing Cohort or start one of your own.


Bob Jones

Bob Jones is the founder of, an author, blogger, and coach with 39 years of pastoral experience. You can connect with Bob here.


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