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Young Athletes and Extreme Community Engagement
How could our church support local athletes and share the gospel? First Assembly in Medicine Hat has become one of the most highly engaged Canadian churches in chaplaincy to a local sports team. The WHL Tigers organization trusts the church as a partner in the development of their young men. Players in the WHL (ages 16-20) live away from home, balance hockey and school, and face pressure that their peers wouldn’t understand, but they appreciate mentoring with no strings attached.
Battling For Ukraine in Edmonton – Extreme Community Engagement
Can community service transform a congregation? Mill Creek Christian Assembly became like family to Ukrainian refugees. Congregants opened their homes in 2022 as more and more displaced families arrived.
Extreme Community Engagement
How can our congregation make a difference in our community? Recently, the congregation in St. Paul initiated an outreach to local indigenous people and have seen many residents from Saddle Lake, Goodfish, Kehewin, Fishing Lake and Frog Lake reserves attend Sunday services in 2023.
What Keeps a Person in a Long-Term, Lifetime Ministry?
A young Bible College graduate recently asked me, "Pastor Al, what has kept you in a place of vocational ministry for well over four decades?" His question was direct and simple, the answer not so much. Here it is with my attempted response.
7 Simple Ways to Reach Out to Families with Children
How can you reach more families with young children? Many churches struggle with this question as they find that they are an older congregation or they think they don’t have the volunteer capacity to reach out to families. Here are some simple ways you can reach families with young children that won’t cost you a lot of money and utilize a lot of volunteers.
Get Out of Your Office and Into Your Community
How many hours a week are you in your community? I encourage pastors to allocate 5 hours a week to be in their community, connecting with non-believers and building bridges of connection to people not a part of the church. Here are some ways to get out of your office and into your community.
Being A Solution Provider In Your Community
Are you a solution provider in your community? Churches often see themselves as "providers of religious goods and services" in the place where they are located. They relegate themselves to society's "faith and religion" aspects and do their best to stay in their lane. However, the Church of Jesus Christ is called to make an impact on the world it is a part of.
What I Learned In the Acts 2 Journey
Is the Acts 2 Journey helpful as a process of unifying, vitalizing and empassioning a congregation? Read how the Acts 2 Journey provided clarity and focus for Mark McMillan and his church in Cold Lake.
3 Unexpected Sources of Resilience
Feeling overwhelmed? You are not alone. Cut yourself some slack. You are a frontline worker. Pastors are on the frontlines every week, dealing with other people’s issues as well as those in your immediate family. And the unrealistic expectations that others place on you add to the overwhelm.
Pressing Towards the Prize in 2024
What questions should I be asking myself as I enter the New Year? As 2024 begins, it would be wise to examine our lives using these four key foundations and then make whatever adjustments are necessary going forward.
3 Gifts of ABNWT
Do you have a special gift in your hand today? As with all gifts, they are intended to be opened, enjoyed, and shared with others. This Christmas, as you reflect, consider the gifts of our ABNWT District, all that we have to share among ourselves and others.
Discipleship Urgency
How can churches equip parents to disciple their children? Biblical illiteracy is rampant, and culture is dictating what people should do rather than a Spirit-led, Biblical pattern. Our kids are casualties!
Onboarding Your Next Board/Council Members
What is one thing I can do to help our church board/council serve with excellence? Soon, you will be going through the nomination/selection process for new board/council members before your Annual General Meeting. Interviewing candidates is a priority task. There are steps you can take today to help yourself, new members, and the function of your Board thrive tomorrow.
Church Boards and A Pastor’s Retirement
How can a board help prepare their pastor to finish well? Here are four things your church can do now to help prepare your pastor for retirement.
A Field Manual For Building A Relationship With A Local School
What are some of the best ways to build a good relationship with a local school? Here is a field manual from a practitioner on how to build a healthy relationship with a public school in your community.
Christmas is Much More than Fa La La La La
How should I prepare and preach during the Advent Season? Let’s be sure we offer everyone within our sphere of influence the opportunity to find real hope, real peace, and real joy.
4 Things Recommended for Young Leaders
How can I thrive through the winter - not just survive? I love a good recommendation. I would much rather hear an endorsement from someone I trust than someone on the internet. Here are four things that I recommend to you - four things that might change your life.
Begin With The End in Mind
Have you thought about retirement? It’s been said that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today. The same is true of retirement planning. Whether you are 34 or 64, the steps you take today to prepare for tomorrow will serve you well.