Leadership, Assimilation, Coaching, Theology Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Assimilation, Coaching, Theology Jeremiah Raible

First John Two Discipleship - Discipleship Pathway Part 5

We look at the pattern we see in 1 John chapter 2. As you read through this chapter, you’ll begin to see a pattern that John is developing – “little children” (v12), “young men” (v14), “fathers” (v15). The terms John is using is referring to spiritual development and not actual age.

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Leadership, Assimilation, Caring For Your Church Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Assimilation, Caring For Your Church Jeremiah Raible

Begin with the End in Mind - Discipleship Pathway Part 4

We all get the job description for Christians – “Go and Make Disciples” (Matthew 28:19). But the question I often get asked is, “How do you make disciples?” This is a great question and one that the church in North America hasn’t answered very well. We’ve made attenders and singers and listeners, but I wonder about our ability to make disciples.

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Dealing With Discouragement

We are now almost two years into a global pandemic. To say that vocational leaders are tired and discouraged would be a colossal understatement. On the front end of it, most seemed to quickly acknowledge, “this isn’t going to be a sprint, we’re going to have to lace up for a marathon.” And pastors did just that.

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Leadership, Coaching Bob Jones Leadership, Coaching Bob Jones

Iron Sharpening Iron: ABNWT Cohorts

If a knife is blunt it continues to be a knife but less effective and useful. It takes iron to sharpen iron. The ABNWT cohort initiative is creating a resourced network of leaders who sharpen up through training, peer learning, and coaching on the biggest internal and external challenges of ministry. Cohorts are a catalyst helping leaders create the capacity to fulfill their calling so they can lead their church in becoming relentlessly outbound.

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Can A Church Live Again?

The town of Terrace Bay on the shore of Lake Superior in Ontario struggled — like many small towns — to maintain its economy and population through turbulent times. But there was hope for a bright future if the town could harness its potential and focus on adaptation. The town was revitalized, but the local Pentecostal church was still living in the past and dying in the present. Could a church live again?

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Leadership, Pastoral Care Jeremiah Raible Leadership, Pastoral Care Jeremiah Raible

Are You Running On Empty?

This years’ Ministers Gathering is designed to be a refreshing and refuelling retreat for pastors and ministry leaders who are in need of a fresh word of encouragement. From the speakers to the themes to the schedules, this year will be focused on pouring into you and your family and caring for our souls. Our goal is for our pastors and ministry leaders to feel like they’ve had a 1-week vacation after they’ve been to Ministers Gathering.

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Leadership, Young Leaders ABNWT Leadership, Young Leaders ABNWT

The Power of Next Gen Leaders

No matter where you’re reading this from, this past year has been unlike any other. The world has changed and perspectives have shifted. Norms, standards, and daily rituals, like getting up and driving to work, are no longer common practices. The upcoming generation is facing new challenges and circumstances that even 10 years ago we wouldn’t have given a second thought.

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Leadership Jeremiah Raible Leadership Jeremiah Raible

Intentionally Developing Younger Leaders

Priority needs to be given to developing young leaders and placing them in roles and positions where they are point leaders and time given to debrief and provide guidance and support. If a leader doesn’t get experience in leading, they will not fully develop their confidence as leaders. The only way to develop confidence is to do it. This is why senior leaders must place leadership development as a priority.

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Thoughts from a Young Lead Pastor

“You’re the boss now!” These were some of the most exciting yet terrifying words I had ever heard. Quite honestly, I never imagined myself as a lead pastor. I spent six and a half years serving as a youth and associate pastor in two different churches, and while I felt that God was going to refocus my ministry, I never imagined that He would point me towards a lead pastor role.

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