Leadership, Theology Gary Taitinger Leadership, Theology Gary Taitinger

Acts Prompted By Your Faith

At times, God intends not to advance the kingdom by a direct order impressed on our knower. There are times for a mature leader, schooled in the New Testament Pattern, when there is something that needs doing, something that ‘is not yet but could be’ and God lets us coalesce the passion to chase it as a result of our faith aspiration.

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Leadership Jeremiah Raible Leadership Jeremiah Raible

A New Life Cycle For Your Church

Everything has a life cycle; from birth to death.  Humans only have one life cycle.  A church, however, can have multiple life cycles.  From birth to maturity, to decline, to death, a church must be able to intercept the life cycle at the peak (maturity) in order to gain new life and new momentum.

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Leadership Jeremiah Raible Leadership Jeremiah Raible

4 Calls From MG 2019

We gathered in Banff, Alberta for our annual Ministers Gathering and District Conference.  This is always a time of connection, inspiration, information, and vision.  This year, there were four distinct calls that went out to the ministers in attendance. 

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