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12 Ways To Be A Welcoming Church
Go through each one of these items and ask yourselves how are we doing on this? Close the gaps. Remember, intentionality is the key to becoming a welcoming church.
5 Easy Ways to Make a Great First Impression
Your First Impression is the greatest impression you can ever make for a newcomer. Here are 5 easy ways to make a great first impression.
Why Church Culture Matters More Than Prayer
How often do you think about the air you breathe? It’s so pervasive that we don’t even give it a thought. Church culture is like the air; it’s all around us, shaping every moment of every Sunday and Monday to Saturday. We seldom notice it at our own risk.
The Connection Funnel
The average person has no idea what next steps to take to connect into this congregation and what the destination (being a part of the church) might look like. It’s up to us as leaders to create clear and obvious next steps for them.
A Surprising Church Growth Tool
I’ve asked a similar question to pastors who have seen their ministries and churches grow over the years … “what is one reason you can think of as to why your ministry grew?” Their answer shocked me.
Your Church Has A Reputation
We don’t want to create any barriers for people to come to Jesus Christ and we want to do our best to be a church that is in the community and for the community.
7 Realizations The Pandemic Gave the Church
It’s never fun to realize that there were things that you thought were working, actually weren’t working. The recent pandemic exposed weaknesses and brought out realizations amongst churches and church leaders all over the world.
Why Belonging Will Make or Break Your Church
Belong, believe, become are three popular words that summarize a value system and a process of discipleship. Perhaps your church makes use of them in a slogan or value statement. The words and their order are important but not nearly as important as getting belonging right.
Helpful Tips in Planning Your First Sunday Back
Returning to church doesn't mean returning to "normal." There is no such thing as over-communicating your timing, plans and procedures with your congregation. Be clear, concise, creative and caring.
Newcomer Orientation – Welcome To Our Church!
Think about this …. it’s your first time ever in a meeting. There are 30 people there and you know that they know you’re new. What do I do now? When do I sit? When do I stand? Do I kneel? Am I allowed to be here? What happens when they find out I’m not one of them? All of these things are going through a newcomers mind when they come to your church. Why not orient them to what is about to happen?
The Church as a Field or Force
In this age of social media, instant gratification, and excessive focus on materialism and self, the only path to contentment and eternity is the reality of abundant life through the love, acceptance, and forgiveness that can only be found in a redeeming relationship Jesus Christ.
No One Comes To Church Cause They Should Anymore
The idea of “should” is something that plagues church leadership. We think that people “should” go to church because that’s what they “should” do. Except …. People don’t think that way anymore.
A Culture of Deferred Maintenance
It’s interesting when I visit some of our churches I notice that our buildings are falling into disrepair and look unkept. This is because of a culture of deferred maintenance.
Is The church For Christians?
Did Jesus create the church so we could gather away from the world and be protected or did he create it as a force to spread the Gospel? There are very differing views of this but I want to challenge you on a few things.
What’s With The Red Balloons?
Everybody loves a party. Even Jesus does. And according to Luke Chapter 15, heaven loves throwing a party for people who decide to follow Jesus. What’s a party without balloons?
Free Resource: Pillars of the Prevailing Church Webinar
What does a prevailing church in Canada look like? What do they do?
Planning For Fall
I hate to say it but Fall is coming. Besides the Pumpkin Spice lattes and leaves turning cooler, this is also a great opportunity for growth in the church.
5 Systems That Need Your Attention
Here are 5 systems that you need to develop if you want to grow.