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How to Host a One Day Fun Day
As a church, this challenge is a great opportunity to meet the needs of families in your community. In 2021, we started hosting ONE DAY FUN DAY events on PD Days. We’re a small church and have seen amazing growth within our events and some of that growth has transferred to our weekend gatherings.
Kids Church Library is The Go To For All Things Kids Ministry
The Kids Church Library is for you. It’s a one-stop resource for all things kids ministry and it’s populated by actual children’s ministers and ministries. You can access everything you need for a powerful children’s ministry right here.
Children’s Ministry Curriculum Showcase
An overview of children’s ministry curriculums for every size church.
Risk Management For Children's Ministry
Every church needs risk management procedures and this webinar will help you develop one.
6 Outreaches To Families with Children That You Should Do
In Canada, the largest demographic population is Millennials (ages 25-35) with young children. This is an incredible opportunity for the church to reach out to families with children. Whether you’re a large or small church, you can make connections and build bridges to families with children.
Everyday Children's Ministry Heroes
We are inspired by our everyday Children’s Ministry heroes in the ABNWT District! What they did this past number of months is truly amazing. Kathy Zelman asked some of our CM people to send in highlights and it is so great to see what God is doing in our District. May this encourage you and spur on with some great ideas in your context this upcoming year.
How To Make A Kids Ministry YouTube Channel
As Kids Pastors we’ve always said our job is not babysitting, but that we actually are discipling and teaching kids the living Word of God. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our time to shine! Here are a few tips I would suggest to disciple kids.
2 Important Considerations For New Parents And Children In Your Kid's Ministry
There are two things you need to consider regarding newcomers to your kid’s ministry that the uninitiated may not understand…
Why You Need Children's Ministry In Your Church
Have you ever wondered why you need children’s ministry in your church? It’s because children are important! Here are 5 reasons why your church needs a thriving children’s ministry.
Revolutionary Sunday School
People come to church for many reasons, but they only stay for one – that they’ve made good friends. If we transformed our children’s ministry into something that facilitates the building of these friendships we would keep far more of our kids and families from falling through the cracks.
Kids Drive Their Parents To Church
When I was a kid, my parents “dragged” me to church whether I wanted to or not. The opposite is true today in many cases; in order for Mom and Dad to go to church, the children must want to go…