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What Kind of People Glue Does Your Church Use?
Church planters think “sticky.” Large, engaging Sunday gatherings are not the glue to hold your church together and keep guests returning. What is the key to stickiness in your church?
19 Ideas To Reach Your Community On Mother’s Day
Mothers Day Weekend, May 8-9, 2021, is a time to spoil Moms with treats and surprises. While we have been isolating, Moms everywhere are working harder than ever. What better time to say, “Thank you” and honour the moms and women in your community!
3 Unexpected Sources of Resilience
Feel like quitting? You are not alone. Cut yourself some slack. Have you ever been through a pandemic before? None of us have. You possess more resilience than you imagine.
Mental Health Help For Your Community
One of the most vital ways to serve God and be a light in your community is to offer sanctuary for all people, at all stages of their mental wellness journeys. Caring for mental health and well being is an important part of what it means to participate in God’s loving work.
Future Gatherings Will Be Big On Small
What will the local church look like in the future? That was the subject of discussion I was invited into recently. And the number of answers was greater than the number of participants. There was a lack of certainty but a multitude of possibilities.
12 Ways To Be A Welcoming Church
Go through each one of these items and ask yourselves how are we doing on this? Close the gaps. Remember, intentionality is the key to becoming a welcoming church.
Why Church Culture Matters More Than Prayer
How often do you think about the air you breathe? It’s so pervasive that we don’t even give it a thought. Church culture is like the air; it’s all around us, shaping every moment of every Sunday and Monday to Saturday. We seldom notice it at our own risk.
7 Lessons From Vitalization
Vitalization is more than getting a definition of success right. It’s doing what Jesus calls his followers to become - faithful and fruitful.
5 Sizzling Reads For Pastors in the Summer of 2020
What better way to spend the rare, rainy summer day than with one of the following five page turners. Read at the risk of a greater love for God and neighbour.
Why Belonging Will Make or Break Your Church
Belong, believe, become are three popular words that summarize a value system and a process of discipleship. Perhaps your church makes use of them in a slogan or value statement. The words and their order are important but not nearly as important as getting belonging right.
Helpful Tips in Planning Your First Sunday Back
Returning to church doesn't mean returning to "normal." There is no such thing as over-communicating your timing, plans and procedures with your congregation. Be clear, concise, creative and caring.
The Dangers of Deferred Grief and The Church’s Response
Sharing Seven practical ideas of how the pastor and church may respond to those who are grieving and cannot find closure because of COVID-19.
Don't Chop Down Your Phone Tree
Pastors made great use of Phone Trees to connect with their congregation. With plans formulating to return onsite, now is not the time to chop down your phone tree. Not now, or ever.
5 Things To Remember When Leading Online Small Groups
Social distancing, quarantine, self-isolation, all of these terms are new to us and on the surface fly in the face of the very idea of community. But now more than ever, it’s the very thing that our communities need! It’s time for our small groups to fill the void that is needed. Here are 5 things to remember when you are leading small groups online.
How To Connect By Using Mailchimp
Whatever size church you lead, connection has never been easier or more important. The great thing about communicating is you don’t need to monkey around with an easy way to connect. Mailchimp takes care of that for you.
Starting A Phone Tree
Community connection in a crisis is crucial, especially for communities of faith. Most, if not all Canadian churches, will be finding ways to host online services, immediately. Never before has connection been so available to so many. How providential. Here is one way to branch out connection for everyone in your congregation.