Two Programs to Reach People Far From God

Less is more. Used optimally, the Alpha Course and the Sanctuary Course address the biggest issues facing men and women in your community. Both function effectively online as well as onsite. Both are hugely valuable and offered free of charge. Together, they offer a comprehensive strategy in reaching struggling people far from God. In thinking like a church planter with limited resources, offering these two programs alone will help you effectively reach your community this Fall. 


Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people come and discuss life’s big questions in a friendly, open, and informal environment. Alpha is not a formula. It is community around a table, with the gospel of Jesus, and openness to the Holy Spirit. 

If you have not offered Alpha in over a year, now is the time to start again. Alpha Talks have been repackaged for today’s audience in the Alpha Film Series and the Alpha Youth Series.

The Sanctuary Course

One in five Canadians will face a mental health problem this year. The Mental Health Commission of Canada observed that individuals affected by mental health problems often seek help from spiritual leaders first and foremost. If individuals struggling with mental health are turning to churches for help, then we need to be prepared to provide it. 

The Sanctuary Course was created to raise awareness and start conversations in local churches regarding mental health. SC is to mental health what Alpha is to faith.

3 Purposes of The Sanctuary Course

  1. Explore the need for Church engagement in the broader mental health conversation. 

  2. Consider the psychological, social, and theological components of mental health.

  3. Discuss the role that community plays in mental health support and recovery. 

This approach is not intended to produce experts or mental health professionals. Instead, it is designed to help you grow in awareness of mental health problems, respond with empathy to those who are suffering, and learn through listening to the stories of individuals who have lived experience. 


The Sanctuary Course will help you build a mental health vocabulary within your community so that honest and meaningful conversations can take place. In time these conversations may become the foundation of change, transforming your church in its efforts to love and support individuals living with mental health problems. 

Churches in the ABNWT are successfully using the Sanctuary Course to build empathetic communities that are well-intentioned and well-informed. Al Downey and Bob Jones can assist you in starting a Sanctuary Course through your church. Email us at

Sanctuary Mental Health

ABNWT Webinar on the Sanctuary Course

Use this summer to view the materials, train hosts, pray, and launch these two programs online and onsite in late September.


Bob Jones

Bob Jones is the founder of, an author, blogger, and coach with 39 years of pastoral experience. You can connect with Bob here.


Looking At Your Community With Fresh Eyes


The Greatest Opportunity Lies In Front Of You