ABNWT District Resource Centre

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Surviving vs. Thriving in Ministry

There is power in the mindset of a leader. If a leader feels they are barely getting by, they will move into survival mode; protecting what is theirs and spending energy to maintain what they have. If the leader has a thriving mindset, they will seek to expand and take risks for the sake of growing and improving.

So where are you at? Are you in survival mode? If you are, that’s ok. We’ve all been there. In fact, many of us will be there by the end of the month. Ministry is a constant pendulum swing to these two mindsets. You need to continually adjust your thinking from serving to thriving. Here are a few ideas:

Focus on the Wins

It’s easy to only see the negative things; the things that frustrate us or annoy us. We need to look at the bright spots in ministry. Every day you need to find one thing that you are thankful for in your ministry. Find and celebrate the win every day.

Greater is He who is In You Than he That is In the World

It seems pretty obvious but we need to remind ourselves of this every day. We can slip into a place of despair and feel like we are fighting a loosing battle at times. Remember, in the end, we win. God is bigger than any trial, circumstance, or difficulty that you face. Believe that He is bigger and then act on that faith.

Stop Making Excuses

This is so easy for us to do because it comforts us and helps us to feel better about ourselves when things don’t go as planned. Instead of making excuses, let’s take responsibility. The sooner we take responsibility for the things we see under our leadership, the sooner we can begin to fix it. If you continue to make excuses you’ll move into survival mode.

Change and Risk Are A Leader's Mantel

Like a painter might work in oils or acrylics, a leader utilizes change and risk to lead people from where they are to a preferred future. You can’t expect to be the leader of the church and not have to lead change and incur risk. Change and risk come with the territory. If you want to actually lead people, you need to be a change agent and a risk-taker. You won’t lead anyone anywhere if you stay where you are.

Don’t just survive, thrive in ministry. Have a thriving mindset and watch what that can do in your church. How do you have a thriving mindset?


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