ABNWT District Resource Centre

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Rooted In Resilience

Have you noticed? ABNWT pastors are gritty. You’ve combined passion and perseverance to find a way through the adversity, trauma, and threats of a pandemic. Resilience is what gives grit its elasticity, which is why RESILIENT is a good choice for the word of the year in 2021.

Resilience is bounce back ability. It’s is the opposite of fragile. Resilience can be summed up in three words: keep moving on.

Your answers to three simple questions will help you redeem setbacks for comebacks.

  1. What hurts?

  2. What helps?

  3. What fruit do you want to come out of this?



January 4th - 8th we’ll post a video each day on the ABNWT Healthy Church Facebook page on sourcing resilience featuring Olympian, Melissa Lotholz, Kevin and Julia Garratt, Dr. Paul Day, Pastor Patti Miller, and Connie Jakab.

Starting January 7th a resilience blog will be posted on Resilient Thursdays.

Join a conversation on Resilience on Zoom - Thursday January 14th at 10:00am.



Melissa Lotholz
January 4th

Canadian Olympian 2018

  • 3x World Cup Medalist

  • Training for Winter Olympics 2022 * Vanguard Graduate

  • Barrhead, Alberta 

  • Comebacks from setbacks

  • Mental toughness

  • Durability

  • Adaptive Leadership

Kevin and Julia Garratt
January 5th

Global Development in China for 30+ years

  • ESL

  • Orphanage

  • 775 days in Chinese captivity

  • Nation to Nation, Myanmar

  • Two Tears on the Window

  • Good news stories from trauma

Rev. Patti Miller
January 6th

Lead pastor at Montreal, Quebec’s historic, Evangel Church

  • Member of the PAOC General Executive

  • Rage Free Fridays

  • Ukraine

  • Starbucks

  • When you feel like quitting

Dr. Paul Day
January 7th


  • Psychotherapist 

  • Leadership Consultant

  • Humanitarian

  • Calgary, Alberta

  • Leading through crisis and transition

Connie Jakab
January 8th

Mission Canada worker

  • Founder, National Hope Talks

  • Founder, Brave Tribe

  • Coach

  • Connie leads from her feet and heart

  • Brave Pastoring and Parenting 

Resilience Webinar
January 14th – 10:00am

Gillian McShane – Life  and Leadership Coach
Hosted by Bob Jones and Julie Rohr.

Insights from Julie’s course on Resilience at Well Spring, Edmonton

  • 18 Years Pastoral Experience

  • C4 Church

  • Build/Measure/Learn

  • 3-Month Planning Cycles

  • Free Resiliency Resources for Attendees

Resilient Thursdays

Every Thursday in January and February we’ll post encouraging, practical insights for developing resilience on our #ResilientPastor page.


The Sanctuary Course

The Sanctuary Course is for onsite or online small groups, designed to raise awareness and start conversations regarding mental health. Hosting the course often may be the most sacred gift you can give your community in 2021. Your community needs you now more than ever. The course is FREE.

Sanctuary Course Webinar with Bob Jones and Al Downey: Tuesday, January 19th or Thursday January 21st – 1:00pm


Your can do it. We can help. #resilientpastors2021


See this gallery in the original post