It All Rests On This One Thing
When we talk about vitalization, it really rests on this one question: “Where in the life of your church are people coming to faith in Jesus Christ consistently?” As you watch people try and answer that question you quickly realize that the church has gotten off mission. If they have grown, it’s usually through transfer growth. What we want to see is conversion growth.
That leads to 3 realities:
Track the numbers. You need to find a way to track the numbers when you ask people to pray the prayer and make a commitment. No matter what department, no matter what event, when you make the call for salvation, have a way to track the numbers. Most recently, I‘ve seen texting responses work quite well.
Become relentlessly outward bound. Start ministries that are targeted to the unchurched (Alpha, Finance Course, Parenting Course). Take every ministry in your church and turn it 2 degrees to be outsiders focused. Ask yourself, how does this engage people far from God?
Create your Sunday morning experience to engage the unchurched. The primary venue a non-churched person will engage your church is online and on Sunday morning. Practice biblical hospitality and plan your services with them in mind.
The main mission of the church is the mission of Jesus Christ; “To Seek and Save the Lost” (Luke 19:10)