Building a Ministry That Lasts

Let's face it: every one of us wants to see what we do last beyond our tenure. When we're long gone, how can we ensure that the work we put into the ministry will keep going strong? We need to picture our ministry as a relay race in which we pass the baton off to the next person. We can prepare now to hand that baton off well so that the next person will pick up and keep going strong.

Here are four ways to build a ministry that lasts:

  1. Always Come Back to the "Why"
    Every church or ministry exists for the same reason: "To make disciples who make disciples." This mandate, found in Matthew 28:18-20, is the core reason why the church exists. Every church and ministry must run their activities through this metric: "How does (list the task)__ help us make disciples who make disciples?" The activity must either be changed or replaced so that it fulfills the mission. If you're always in alignment with the "why," then the "what" will take care of itself.

  2. Replace Yourself All the Time
    Why do pastors feel like they have to do it all? Pastors should always be replacing themselves as often as they can. Opening prayer? Get someone else to do it. Scripture reading? Get someone else to do it. Planning Sundays? Work with someone else while you're doing it. Never go it alone, and always be training people to do what you do. This is the Ephesians 4 mandate: to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. If you get good at this, your ministry will last beyond you.

  3. Prepare the Ground for Change
    Nobody likes change. Change is often resisted by good people. However, you can prepare the ground for change. Remind people that we need to always embrace what God has next for us. Encourage forward momentum every time you see it. Introduce change as a value and teach about it. Talk about change so much that it becomes part of the DNA of your ministry. If someone new comes into your church and there is resistance to change, it will be much harder for them. However, if you prepare the ground for change, there will be greater receptivity to embracing what God has next for the congregation.

  4. Humble Yourself
    It's easy for pastors to wrestle with pride when they are the ones getting all the accolades and doing all the work. Pastors can struggle with pride as they lead their churches simply because of human nature. Deep in the heart of every person is a need to be loved and needed. We must practice humility to remind ourselves that it is not about us. We must humble ourselves and not allow pride or insecurity to creep into our lives.

Building a ministry that lasts requires a clear focus on the mission, a commitment to equipping others, a readiness to embrace change, and a humble heart. By staying aligned with the "why," continuously training new leaders, preparing for change, and practicing humility, we can ensure that the work we start today will continue to thrive tomorrow. Remember, it's not just about us—it's about building something enduring for the future. Let's pass the baton well!


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


A Long Way Yet to Go


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