Vitalization Workbook
This past week at General Conference 2018, Pastor Gary Taitinger lead a breakout on Vitalization in the PAOC. The truth is that our fellowship has been plateaued for almost two decades while the general population of Canada has increased. The call from the national level is a laser focus on revitalizing our Canadian churches. Our strategy as the ABNWT district is to resource you, the front line churches, with whatever you need to get the job done.
A part of this breakout included a workbook that walks leaders through some key questions to consider in becoming a church that is reaching lost people. I encourage you to work through it with your board and connect with us for next steps.
You can view the workbook HERE
You can view videos and Power Points shown at the breakout HERE
The old Home Depot logo said, “You can do it, we can help”. As a district, that is the posture we want to take.
We are in your corner. We are here to serve.